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Date : 2012-04-25
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Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of ~ Return to the Sea portrays the life and evolutionary times of marine mammals—from giant whales and sea cows that originated 55 million years ago to the deepdiving elephant seals and clameating walruses of modern times This fascinating account of the origin of various marinemammal lineages—some extinct others extant but threatened—is for the nonspecialist
Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of ~ Marine mammals are a diverse assemblage of at least seven distinct evolutionary lineages of mammals that independently returned to the sea and include whales dolphins and porpoises Cetartiodactylans seals sea lions and walruses Pinnipedia sea cows Sirenia extinct sea cow relatives Desmostylians polar bears sea and marine otters and extinct aquatic sloths
Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of ~ Return to the Sea portrays the life and evolutionary times of marine mammals—from giant whales and sea cows that originated 55 million years ago to the deep diving elephant seals and clameating walruses of modern times This fascinating account of the origin of various marine mammal lineages some extinct others extant but threatened is for the nonspecialist
Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of ~ Return to the Sea portrays the life and evolutionary times of marine mammals from giant whales and sea cows that originated 55 million years ago whose ancestors walked on land to deep diving elephant seals and clameating walruses of modern times
PDF Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times ~ Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of Marine Mammals by Annalisa Berta was certainly conceived with this principle in mind This book is an excellent introductory overview of general biology of marine mammals set into an evolutionary perspective
Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of ~ These and other fascinating creatures are described in Annalisa Bertas wideranging and factpacked new book Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of Marine Mammals Berta is a professor of biology at San Diego State University where she specializes in vertebrate morphology and evolution—fields of expertise that figure prominently in this engaging tour through the highlights of marine mammal history
PDF Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times ~ Return to the Sea the Life and Evolutionary Times of Marine Mammals University of California Press Berkeley California 205 pp ISBN 9780520270572 price hardbound 3126
Return to the sea The life and evolutionary times of ~ Request PDF Return to the sea The life and evolutionary times of marine mammals Return to the Sea portrays the life and evolutionary times of marine mammalsfrom giant whales and sea cows
Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of ~ Return to the Sea The Life and Evolutionary Times of Marine Mammals Annalisa Berta Google Books This book portrays the life and evolutionary times of marine mammals from giant whales and
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