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Date : 2006-11-02
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Tigers Rice Silk and Silt by Robert Marks ~ Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China Get access Buy the print book Check if you have access via personal or institutional login Book summary views reflect the number of visits to the book and chapter landing pages Total views 0
Project MUSE Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment ~ Robert B Marks Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South in Environment and History Cambridge and New York Cambridge University Press 1998 xix 383 pp Hardcover 6495 ISBN 0521591775
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Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in ~ Read the fulltext online edition of Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China 1997 Silk and Silt Environment and Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China By Robert B Marks No cover image Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in
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Tigers rice silk and silt environment and economy in ~ Tigers rice silk and silt environment and economy in late imperial South China Responsibility Robert B Marks Edition 1st pbk version Imprint Agriculture is the foundation economic recovery and development of Lingnan during the Ming Dynasty 136816444 All the people have fled war and the environment in the midseventeenth
Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in ~ Both authors are ultimately concerned Mazumdar more explicitly than Marks with the perennial question of why Western Europe industrialized and China did not yet each draws from distinct sources to create different perspectives on the society and economy of south China Tigers Rice Silk and Silt attempts to figure nature into Chinese
Project MUSE Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment ~ Tigers Rice Silk and Silt Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China By Robert B Marks New York Cambridge University Press 1997 383 pp 6495 China proper has been one of the more densely populated and heavily cultivated parts of the world for many thousands of years
TIGERS RICE SILK AND SILT ~ Tigers rice silk and silt environment and economy in late imperial south ChinaRobert B Marks p cm – Studies in environment and history Includes bibliographical references and index isbn 0521591775 hb
TIGERS RICE SILK AND SILT ~ Tigersricesilkand siltenvironment and economy in late imperial south ChinaRobert p cm– Studies in environment and history
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