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Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian ~ Modal Subjectivities is a virtuosic marriage between interdisciplinary cultural work and astute musical analyses firmly grounded by an irresistibly lucid and persuasive explanation of mode in sixteenth century music in which even the most familiar works offer up precious secrets
Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal ~ Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal Export a RIS file For EndNote ProCite Reference Manager Zotero Mendeley… Export a Text file For BibTex Note Always review your references and make any necessary corrections before using Pay attention to names capitalization and dates
Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal ~ Modal Subjectivities covers the span of the sixteenthcentury polyphonic madrigal from its early manifestations in Philippe Verdelots settings of Machiavelli in the 1520s through the tortured chromatic experiments of Carlo Gesualdo Although McClary takes the lyrics into account in shaping her readings she focuses particularly on the details of the music itself—the principal site of the genres selffashionings
Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian ~ Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal review Barbara Russano Hanning Renaissance Quarterly Volume 60 Number 1 Spring 2007 pp 258259 Review Published by Renaissance Society of America For additional information about this article Access provided at 29 Dec 2019 1016 GMT from Scholarly Communication
Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal ~ Modal Subjectivities was recognized by the American Musicological Society in 2005 with its coveted Kinkeldey Award however the books engaging style bold premise and persuasive argument will reward and gratify the reader who possesses a modicum of music literacy and a general interest in Renaissance poetics regardless of discipline
Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal ~ Modal Subjectivities covers the span of the sixteenthcentury polyphonic madrigal from its early manifestations in Philippe Verdelots settings of Machiavelli in the 1520s through the tortured chromatic experiments of Carlo Gesualdo Although McClary takes the lyrics into account in shaping her readings she focuses particularly on the details of the music itselfthe principal site of the genres selffashionings
Project MUSE Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in ~ from around 1525 the Italian madrigal serves as a site—indeed the first in European history—for the explicit selfconscious construction in music of subjectivities Over the course of a good century madrigal composers anticipate Descartes in performing the crucial break with traditional epistemologies
Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal ~ Home Free Ebooks Fashion Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian Madrigal Author Susan McClary Download Now Category Fashion Tags ebook SelfFashioning Description Additional information
PDF Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian ~ Feldman the academy was an arena for selffashioning City Culture and the Madrigal at Venice Berkeley University of California Press 1995 21
Modal Subjectivities SelfFashioning in the Italian ~ Modal Subjectivities covers the span of the sixteenthcentury polyphonic madrigal from its early manifestations in Philippe Verdelots settings of Machiavelli in the 1520s through the tortured chromatic experiments of Carlo Gesualdo Although McClary takes the lyrics into account in shaping her readings she focuses particularly on the details of the music itself—the principal site of the genres selffashionings
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