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Date : 2013-03-01
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Category : Book

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Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed ~ Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed Subjectivity Anahid Kassabian on FREE shipping on qualifying offers How does the constant presence of music in modern life―on iPods in shops and elevators on television―affect the way we listen With so much of this sound
Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed ~ As I have been arguing listening as a simultaneous or secondary activitythat is ubiquitous listeninghas profound implications in many directions it modulates our attentional capacities it tunes our affective relationships to categories of identity it conditions our participation in fields of subjectivity
Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed ~ If ubiquitous listening is the condition of possibility of distributed subjectivities as I have been arguing then one of the important places to try to engage it and understand its operations must be the sounds of ethnic and national identities
Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention Distributed ~ In Ubiquitous Listening Anahid Kassabian investigates the many sounds that surround us and argues that this ubiquity has led to different kinds of listening Kassabian argues for a new examination of the music we do not normally hear and by implication that we do one that examines the way it is used as a marketing tool and a mood modulator and exploring the ways we engage with this music
Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed ~ Ubiquitous Listening book Read 2 reviews from the worlds largest community for readers Affect Attention and Distributed Subjectivity” as Want to Read Start your review of Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed Subjectivity Write a review Sep 23 2016 Jürgen De blonde rated it really liked it
Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed ~ Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed Subjectivity by Anahid Kassabian Some years ago a television prank show dropped in on the home of a Muzak executive – bringing along a couple of speakers and an amplifier so he could enjoy his lovely products from his own lawn
Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed ~ Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed Subjectivity Article · March 2013 with 65 Reads How we measure reads A read is counted each time someone views a
Project MUSE Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention ~ The paradox of Stockfelt’s proposal gives Kassabian an opening to develop a more nuanced theory of the experience of ubiquitous listening that centres around the production of distributed subjectivity through a constantly fluctuating relationship between affect the senses and attention in response to ubiquitous musics
Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed ~ Ubiquitous Listening Affect Attention and Distributed Subjectivity by Anahid Kassabian review How we measure reads A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such
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