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Date : 2011-01-10
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Islamic eschatology Wikipedia ~ Islamic apocalyptic literature describing Armageddon is often known as fitna AlMalhama AlKubra The Great Massacre or ghaybah in Shīa Islam The righteous are rewarded with the pleasures of Jannah Paradise while the unrighteous are punished in Jahannam Hell
Apocalypse in Islam 9780520272644 Jean ~ Apocalypse in Islam is a challenge to all who want to advance a new alliance of civilizations rather than an endless combat of fundamentalisms―Bruce Lawrence editor of Messages to the World The Statements of Osama bin Laden An absolutely fascinating book by an author whose expertise joins the fields of scholarship diplomacy and culture
Islams Apocalypse Christian Broadcasting Network ~ The Hal Lindsey of modern Muslim apocalyptic is an Egyptian named Said Ayyub In 1987 he wrote The AntiChrist This was an extremely powerful political and social apologetic for Muslims identifying the United States as the Great Satan
Islamic Apocalypse 6 Things You Should Know Zwemer ~ An ancient prophecy quotes Muhammad as saying Dabiq near Aleppo in Syria will be where Islam defeats Christendom SahihMuslim Vol 4 Ch 41 1501 Yet only within the last year has ISIS linked that prophecy to its territorial ambitions and even launched a digital publication under that name
Islamic Apocalypse Beliefnet ~ Apocalyptic Muslims are interested in hundredyear markers because of what is called the Mujaddid tradition which says that at the beginning of every century God will send a renewer to
Muslim Views Of The Apocalypse HuffPost ~ “There are Muslim apocalyptic readings of the book of Daniel Ezekiel and Revelation” says Cook “The only difference is the ‘good guys’ are Muslims not Christians” The Muslim Jesus destroys the cross and the swine symbols of Christian innovations and converts Christians to Islam said Abdulaziz Sachedina
Islam in Apocalyptic Perspective Baylor University ~ connections between Islam and the apocalypse for centuries The level of apocalyptic interest generated by 911 is new The pattern of thought is not” Kidd traces this apocalyptic perspective on Islam through the centuries Colonialera Protestants perceived Islam as a threat as Ottoman armies expanded into central Europe until 1683 and Barbary
Opinion The Problem With the Islamic Apocalypse The ~ It refers to a prophecy that will supposedly be realized in the final era before the apocalypse This prophecy comes from hadiths or sayings attributed to the Prophet Muhammad a literature
Radical Islam Apocalyptic Islam Poses the Greater Threat ~ The West needs to appreciate the threat that is apocalyptic Islam whose aim is to annihilate the and Israel in order to hasten the coming of the Mahdi
Revelation Wikipedia ~ In religion and theology revelation is the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity or entities
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