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Date : 2013-11-16
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Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in ~ Songs of Seoul is an ethnographic study of voice in South Korea where the performance of Western opera art songs and choral music is an overwhelmingly Evangelical Christian enterprise Drawing on fieldwork in churches concert halls and schools of music Harkness argues that the Europeanstyle classical voice has become a specifically Christian emblem of South Korean prosperity
Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in ~ Songs of Seoulis an ethnographic study of voice in South Korea where the performance of Western opera art songs and choral music is an overwhelmingly Evangelical Christian enterprise Drawing on fieldwork in churches concert halls and schools of music Harkness argues that the Europeanstyle classical voice has become a specifically Christian emblem of South Korean prosperity
Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in ~ Professor Nicholas Harkness Department of Anthropology will present on his 2013 publication Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in Christian South Korea This is part of the HarvardYenching Library Faculty Book Talk Series Light refreshments will be served
Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in ~ Songs of Seoul is an ethnographic study of voice in South Korea where the performance of Western opera art songs and choral music is an overwhelmingly Evangelical Christian enterprise Drawing on fieldwork in churches concert halls and schools of music Harkness argues that the Europeanstyle classical voice has become a specifically Christian emblem of South Korean prosperity
Songs of Seoul an ethnography of voice and voicing in ~ Songs of Seoul an ethnography of voice and voicing in Christian South Korea Nicholas Harkness Songs of Seoul is an ethnographic study of voice in South Korea where the performance of Western opera art songs and choral music is an overwhelmingly Evangelical Christian enterprise
Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in ~ Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in Christian South Korea by Nicholas Harkness Berkeley University of California Press 2014 320 pp Keith Howard SOAS University of London Search for more papers by this author Keith Howard SOAS University of London
Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in ~ Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in Christian South Korea By Nicholas Harkness Berkeley University of California Press 2014 xv 303pp Songs of Seoul winner of the 2014 Edward Sapir Book Prize by the Society of Linguistic Anthropology is a semiotically informed anthropology of voice and specifically of sŏngak or Europeanstyle classical vocal music in Evangelical Christian South Korea
Project MUSE Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and ~ In Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in Christian South Korea Nicholas Harkness conducts a compelling ethnographic study of the sŏngak European classical vocal style singing voice in contemporary Seoul Harkness examines sŏngak in the context of Korean Christian Presbyterian churches which he argues are the ritual centers for the acculturation and propagation of the sŏngak voice in Korea
Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in ~ Compre o livro Songs of Seoul An Ethnography of Voice and Voicing in Christian South Korea na confira as ofertas para livros em inglês e importados
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