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Date : 2013-04-29
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Category : Book

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The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in ~ “Immensely learned but full of demotic wisdom The Persistence of Sentiment immediately takes its place in the fistful of the essential books of popular music studies”―Robert Walser author of Running With the Devil Power Gender and Madness in Heavy Metal Music
The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in ~ “Immensely learned but full of demotic wisdom The Persistence of Sentiment immediately takes its place in the fistful of the essential books of popular music studies”—Robert Walser author of Running With the Devil Power Gender and Madness in Heavy Metal Music
The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in ~ InThe Persistence of Sentiment Mitchell Morris gives a critical account of a group of American popular music performers who have dedicated fan bases and considerable commercial success despite the critical disdain they have endured Morris examines the specific musical features of some exemplary pop songs and draws attention to the social contexts that contributed to their popularity as well as their dismissal
The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in ~ The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in Popular Music oj the 1970s is that it functions equally well as a series of essays or as a complete narrative Readers especially interested in Cher for example could sample chapter 6 on its own while readers interested in popular music in the 1970s more generally will benefit from
Project MUSE The Persistence of Sentiment Display and ~ In The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in Popular Music of the 1970s author Mitchell Morris begins to unpack some of the many parcels of meaning contained within sentimental songs of the The Waltons to Will and Grace Morris uses television comic strips film literary theory history economics and music analysis to approach the music from multiple perspectives
Review Mitchell Morris The Persistence of Sentiment ~ The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in Popular Music of the 1970s By Mitchell Morris Berkeley Los Angeles and London University of California Press 2013 ix 248 pp ISBN 9780520275997 paperback ISBN 9780520955059 electronic text
The persistence of sentiment display and feeling in ~ Get this from a library The persistence of sentiment display and feeling in popular music of the 1970s Mitchell Morris How can we account for the persistent appeal of glossy commercial pop music Why do certain performers have such emotional power even though their music is considered vulgar or second rate In The
The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in ~ In The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in Popular Music of the 1970s author Mitchell Morris begins to unpack some of the many parcels of meaning contained within sentimental songs of the 1970s
The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in ~ In The Persistence of Sentiment Mitchell Morris gives a critical account of a group of American popular music performers who have dedicated fan bases and considerable commercial success despite the critical disdain they have endured
The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in ~ The Persistence of Sentiment Display and Feeling in Popular Music of the 1970s Mitchell Morris Libros en idiomas extranjeros Saltar al contenido principal Prueba Prime Hola Identifícate Cuenta y listas Identifícate Cuenta y listas Pedidos Suscríbete a Prime Cesta
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