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Date : 2016-06-21
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Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern ~ California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern 2016 a collaborative project among the California Department of Fish and Wildlife the University of California Davis and University of California Press is now available in both print and electronic versions The book synthesizes current knowledge about the biology and conservation risks faced by 45 of California’s most sensitive amphibian and reptile taxa
California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special ~ California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern provides an uptodate synthesis of the current state of knowledge regarding the biology and conservation risks faced by 45 of California’s most sensitive amphibian and reptile species With the goal of enhancing management based on the best available science the authors developed a
California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern ~ Written in nontechnical language California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern will be a valuable resource to a broad range of users from resource managers field biologists and academic herpetologists to students and recreational naturalists Published in association with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern ~ The current volumeCalifornia Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern is an essential foundation upon which both biologists and state and federal agencies can manage the biological resources of the state California has exceedingly sensitive species and ecosystems many of which are at risk of extirpation or extinction as the state’s environment changes at rates
Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern in California ~ Remaining major groups ranked from most to least imperilled are salamanders 1 Endangered 3 Threatened 7 Special Concern lizards 5 Threatened 7 Special Concern and snakes 1 Endangered
List of California amphibian and reptile Species of ~ Amphibian and Reptile Species of Special Concern by Thomson Wright and Shaffer 2016 Univ of Calif Press Oakland CA Species Common Name Ambystoma macrodactylum sigillatum Southern Longtoed Salamander Aneides flavipunctatus niger Santa Cruz Black Salamander Anniella pulchra California Legless Lizard Arizona elegans occidentalis California Glossy Snake Ascaphus truei Coastal Tailed Frog
Species of Special Concern California Department of Fish ~ A Species of Special Concern SSC is a species subspecies or distinct population of an animal native to California that currently satisfies one or more of the following not necessarily mutually exclusive criteria is extirpated from the State or in the case of birds is extirpated in its primary season or breeding role
AMPHIBIAN AND REPTILE SPECIES ~ Jennings and Hayes Species of Special Concern 3 Preface The intent of this document was to consider amphibians and reptiles in California that were not provided legal protection other than for some the limited protection afforded species with Special Concern status but that might require reconsideration of their status for various reasons
Special Plant and Animal Lists California Department of ~ Special Plant and Animal Lists Plant and Animal Species Lists Plants CalFlora Database Botanical Resource for California Special Vascular Plants Bryophytes and Lichens List PDF Endangered Threatened and Rare Plants List PDF Animals Complete List of Amphibians Reptiles Birds and Mammals in California PDF Special Animals List PDF
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