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Date : 2011-02-01
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Category : Book

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In the Shadow of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy in the ~ In the Shadow of Slavery provides a startling new assessment of the Atlantic slave trade and upends conventional wisdom by shifting attention from the crops slaves were forced to produce to the foods they planted for their own nourishment Many familiar foods―millet sorghum coffee okra watermelon and the “Asian” long bean for example―are native to Africa while commercial products such as Coca Cola Worcestershire Sauce and Palmolive Soap rely on African plants that were
In the Shadow of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy in the ~ The perception of Africa as a longstarving continent dependent on others to feed its people gets upended in In the Shadow of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World
In the Shadow of Slavery Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the ~ In the Shadow of Slavery Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World Export a RIS file For EndNote ProCite Reference Manager Zotero Mendeley… Export a Text file For BibTex Note Always review your references and make any necessary corrections before using Pay attention to names capitalization and dates
In the Shadow of Slavery Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the ~ In the Shadow of Slavery provides a startling new assessment of the Atlantic slave trade and upends conventional wisdom by shifting attention from the crops slaves were forced to produce to the foods they planted for their own nourishment Many familiar foods—millet sorghum coffee okra watermelon and the “Asian” long bean for example—are native to Africa while commercial products such as Coca Cola Worcestershire Sauce and Palmolive Soap rely on African plants that were
In the Shadow of Slavery Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the ~ In the Shadow of Slavery Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World The transatlantic slave trade forced millions of Africans into bondage Until the early nineteenth century African slaves came to the Americas in greater numbers than Europeans
In The Shadow Of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy In The ~ In The Shadow Of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy In The Atlantic World by Judith Carney available in Trade Paperback on also read synopsis and reviews The transatlantic slave trade forced millions of Africans into bondage
In the Shadow of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy in the ~ Since the publication of David Eltis Philip Morgan and David Richardsons “Agency and Diaspora in Atlantic History Reassessing the African Contribution to Ri We use cookies to enhance your experience on our continuing to use our website you are agreeing to our use of cookies
In the Shadow of Slavery Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the ~ In the Shadow of Slaveryprovides a startling new assessment of the Atlantic slave trade and upends conventional wisdom by shifting attention from the crops slaves were forced to produce to the foods they planted for their own nourishment Many familiar foodsmillet sorghum coffee okra watermelon and the Asian long bean for exampleare
In the Shadow of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy in the ~ the Shadow of Slavery provides a startling new assessment of the Atlantic slave trade and upends conventional wisdom by shifting attention from the crops slaves were forced to produce
Review of In the Shadow of Slavery Africas Botanical ~ Review of In the Shadow of Slavery Africas Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World by Judith A Carney and Richard N Rosomoff 2009 University of California Press
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