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Date : 2001-11-12
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Empathy and Moral Development Implications for caring and ~ To live together peaceably Hoffman insists that empathy must be embedded in moral principles the subject of the fifth part of the book Hoffman shows how empathy affect becomes linked or bonded to moral principles of cognitive and social origin as the person develops The synthesis is used powerfully to explain the perpetuation of social attributes of caring and justice in western society
Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and ~ Also highlighted are the psychological processes involved in empathys interaction with certain parental behaviors that foster moral internalization in children and the psychological processes involved in empathys relation to abstract moral principles such as caring and distributive justice
Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and ~ Show simple item record Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and Justice by Martin Hoffman
Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and ~ Show full abstract the ways in which all moral concerns including justice rely on and relate to the childs original capacity for empathy it seems to underestimate the emotionality of justice
Empathy and moral development Implications for caring and ~ Hoffmans book on the relationship between empathy and moral development confronts a wide range of theoretical and empirical issues and provides a wellconceptualized and clearly structured agenda
Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and ~ Empathic anger sympathy guilt feeling of injustice 5 Guilt and moral internalization 6 From discipline to internalization 7 Relationship and other virtual guilts 8 Empathys limitations is empathy enough 9 Empathy and moral principles 10 Development of empathybased justice principles 11 Multiple claimant and caringversusjustice dilemmas 12
Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and ~ The main concept is empathyone feels what is appropriate for another persons situation not ones own The books focus is empathys contribution to altruism and compassion for others in physical psychological or economic distress feelings of guilt over harming someone
Empathy and Moral Development by Martin L Hoffman ~ The main concept is empathy one feels what is appropriate for another persons situation not ones own Hoffman discusses empathys role in five moral situations The books focus is empathys contribution to altruism and compassion for others in physical psychological or economic distress
IMPLICATIONS FOR CARING AND JUSTICE ~ empathy’s contribution to the principles of caring and justice to resolving caring–justice conflicts and to moral judgment I have been working on the theory for three decades It includes elements of the philosophical and psychological approaches mentioned earlier but also makes use of contemporary cognitive psychol
Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and ~ Empathy and Moral Development Implications for Caring and Justice Contemporary theories have generally focused on either the behavioral cognitive or emotional dimensions of prosocial moral development This volume provides the first comprehensive account of prosocial moral development in children
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