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Date : 2012-05-25
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Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes ~ The book is a stunning instance of the benefits which accrue when the study of reproduction is used as an optic for understanding social life” “ God’s Laboratory is a strong intriguing and careful look at the daily connections between faith and science that underpin the process of human assisted reproduction in urban Ecuador
Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes on JSTOR ~ God’s Laboratory offers a grounded introduction to critical debates in medical anthropology and science studies as well as a nuanced ethnography of the interplay between science religion race and history in the formation of Andean families
Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes ~ “God’s Laboratory is a strong intriguing and careful look at the daily connections between faith and science that underpin the process of human assisted reproduction in urban Ecuador Marisol de la Cadena author of Indigenous Mestizos The Politics of Race and Culture in Cuzco Peru 19101991
God’s Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes by ~ In God’s Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes Roberts traces the role of interdependence over autonomy by uncovering the value placed on assistance in this context of care a form of assistance that combines technology human and spiritual entities Moreover she argues that assisted reproductive technologies in Ecuador fit within an existing local system that focuses on care and cultivating relationships rather than debating issues of life
Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes ~ Elizabeth Roberts is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at University of Michigan Praise For Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes … The book is an important contribution to the anthropology of reproduction and Latin American studies among other fields
Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes by ~ Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes by Elizabeth F S Roberts Berkeley University of California Press 2012 298 pp
Gods Laboratory assisted Reproduction in the Andes ~ Assisted reproductive technologies have created many new ways to make people as well as many new ways to dispute the politics and morality of reproductive governance In Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes Elizabeth F S Roberts offers a compelling and sophisticated analysis of IVF in the context of contemporary urban Ecuador
PDF Gods laboratory assisted reproduction in the Andes ~ Ecuador God’s Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes tells the story of how many Ecuadorian IVF practitioners and patients consider God to be the most crucial
Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes ~ Gods Laboratory Assisted Reproduction in the Andes Roberts Elizabeth F S Berkeley University of California Press 2012 xxv 273 pp CAROLE H BROWNER University of California Los Angeles Search for more papers by this author CAROLE H BROWNER
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