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Author : Michael Blake
Date : 2015-08-28
Page : 282
Rating : 4.0
Reviews : 2
Category : Book

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Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of ~ Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of Corn First Edition by Michael Blake Author
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of Corn ~ Maize is the worlds most productive food and industrial crop grown in more than 160 countries and on every continent except Antarctica If by some catastrophe maize were to disappear from our food supply chain vast numbers of people would starve and global economies would rapidly collapse
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of ~ Various lines of evidence are used to show that the genetic signature of corn first diverged from the wild teosinte about 9000 years ago first miniature corn cobs show up at archaeological sites in Mexico about 6000 years ago and isotope signatures in human remains indicate that corn became a staple diet for people only about 3000 years ago
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of Corn ~ Maize for the Gods brings together new research by archaeologists archaeobotanists plant geneticists and a host of other specialists to explore the complex ways that this single plant and the peoples who domesticated it came to be inextricably entangled with one another over the past nine millennia Tracing maize from its first appearance
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of Corn ~ Maize for the Gods brings together new research by archaeologists archaeobotanists plant geneticists and a host of other specialists to explore the complex ways that this single plant and the peoples who domesticated it came to be inextricably entangled with one another over the past nine millennia Tracing maize from its first appearance and domestication in ancient campsites and settlements in Mexico to its intercontinental journey through most of North and South America this history
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of ~ Maize is the world’s most productive food and industrial crop grown in more than 160 countries and on every continent except Antarctica If by some catastrophe maize were to disappear from our food supply chain vast numbers of people would starve and global economies would rapidly collapse
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of Corn ~ Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000 Year History of Corn by Michael Blake available in Trade Paperback on also read synopsis and reviews Maize is the worldand8217s most productive food and industrial crop grown in more than
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of Corn ~ Maize is the worlds most productive food and industrial cropgrown in more than 160 countries and on every continent except Antarctica Maize for the Gods brings together new research by archaeologists archaeobotanists plant geneticists and a host of other specialists as they trace the history of Maize exploring the complex ways that this single plant and the peoples who domesticated it
Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of ~ Maize for the Gods Unearthing the 9000Year History of Corn Maize is the world’s most productive food and industrial crop grown in more than 160 countries and on every continent except Antarctica
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