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Augustine of Hippo Wikipedia ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo ɔː ˈ ɡ ʌ s t ɪ n 13 November 354 – 28 August 430 AD was a Roman African Manichaean early Christian theologian doctor of the Church and Neoplatonic philosopher from Numidia whose writings influenced the development of the Western Church and Western philosophy and indirectly all of Western Christianity
Saint Augustine Biography Philosophy Major Works ~ St Augustine was the bishop of Hippo now Annaba Algeria from 396 to 430 A renowned theologian and prolific writer he was also a skilled preacher and rhetorician He is one of the Latin Fathers of the Church and in Roman Catholicism is formally recognized as a doctor of the church
St Augustine of Hippo Biography Biography Online ~ Augustine was born in Souk Ahras in the Roman province of Numidia His family were ethnic north Africans the Berbers but the area was heavily Romanized and they spoke Latin at home His father was a pagan but his mother was a devout Christian
Biography Augustine of Hippo ~ Biography Born in 354 CE in the North African city of Tagaste to a Christian mother and pagan father Augustine began his career as a pagan teacher of rhetoric in among other places Carthage
Saint Augustine of Hippo History and Biography ~ Augustine of Hippo lived 40 years of his life consecrated to the service of God he died at the age of 72 in the year 430 The thought of Saint Augustine of Hippo extended a bridge between the classical world and the medieval world also laid the foundations of philosophy and Christian doctrine
Biography of St Augustine the Bishop of Hippo ~ Biography of St Augustine St Augustine bishop of Hippo in north Africa 354 to 430 was one of the great minds of the early Christian church a theologian whose ideas forever influenced both Roman Catholics and Protestants But Augustine did not come to Christianity by a straightforward path
St Augustine Biography ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo was born on November 13 354 in the town of Thagaste on the northern coast of Africa in what is now Algeria North Africa was part of the Roman Empire though it was considered something of a backwater far from the centers of imperial power
Augustine of Hippo bibliography Wikipedia ~ The Augustine of Hippo bibliography contains a list of works published by fourthcentury Christian bishop and theologian Augustine of Hippo Part of a series on Augustine of Hippo
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