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Date : 2011-05-11
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Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 17
Category : Book

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Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in ~ Holy Harlots examines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the AfroBrazilian spirit entity Pomba Gira Said to be the disembodied spirit of an unruly harlot Pomba Gira is a controversial figure in Brazil
Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil ~ Holy Harlotsexamines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the AfroBrazilian spirit entity Pomba Gira Said to be the disembodied spirit of an unruly harlot Pomba Gira is a controversial figure in Brazil
Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil ~ Holy Harlots examines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the AfroBrazilian spirit entity Pomba Gira Said to be the disembodied spirit of an unruly harlot Pomba Gira is a controversial figure in Brazil
Holy harlots Femininity sexuality and black magic in Brazil ~ Holy Harlots examines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the AfroBrazilian spirit
Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil ~ Holy Harlots examines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the AfroBrazilian spirit entity Pomba Gira Said to be the disembodied spirit of an unruly harlot Pomba Gira is a controversial figure in Brazil
Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in ~ Holy Harlots examines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the AfroBrazilian spirit entity Pomba Gira Said to be the disembodied spirit of an unruly harlot Pomba Gira is a controversial figure in Brazil Devotees maintain that Pomba Gira possesses an intimate knowledge of human affairs
Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in ~ Praise For Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil … “A book outside of the box that will evoke the Pomba Gira in all its readers” — NaclaReport On The Americas “A clearly written and exciting book filled with major insights which will inspire further scholarship”
Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in ~ This book examines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the AfroBrazilian spirit entity Pomba Gira Said to be the disembodied spirit of an unruly harlot Pomba Gira is a controversial figure in Brazil Devotees maintain that Pomba Gira possesses an intimate knowledge of human affairs
Project MUSE Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and ~ Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil Barbara Browning Kelly E Hayes Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil Berkeley University of California Press 2011 Pp 293 Kelly E Hayes Holy Harlots is a study of the role of a Pomba Gira
Holy Harlots Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in ~ Click on the article title to read more
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