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Date : 2005-07-11
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Exodus New Cambridge Bible Commentary Carol Meyers ~ Exodus New Cambridge Bible Commentary Carol Meyers on FREE shipping on qualifying offers This commentary views Exodus as a cultural document preserving the collective memories of the Israelites and relating them to the major institutions and beliefs that emerged by the end of the time of the Hebrew Bible
Exodus Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges ~ The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges General Editor for the Old Testament and Apocrypha— A F KIRKPATRICK Dean of Ely THE BOOK OF EXODUS In the Revised Version With Introduction and Notes by The Rev S R DRIVER REGIUS PROFESSOR OF HEBREW AND CANON OF CHRIST CHURCH OXFORD HON CAMBRIDGE AND DUBLIN HON GLASGOW
CBC Exodus Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Old ~ CBC Exodus Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Old Testament Ronald E Clements on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Dr Clements volume like others in the series contains the text in the New English Bible translation
Exodus New Cambridge Bible Commentary Carol Meyers ~ Exodus New Cambridge Bible Commentary Carol Meyers This commentary views Exodus as a cultural document preserving the collective memories of the Israelites and relating them to the major institutions and beliefs that emerged by the end of the time of the Hebrew Bible
Exodus 16 Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges ~ The term is a technical one in P it is used of New Year’s Day Leviticus 2324 of the first and eighth days of the Feast of Booths ib v 39 and of the sabbatical year Leviticus 255 also in the expression shabbath shabbâthôn ‘sabbath of cessation ’ intensifying the idea of cessation from work of the sabbath Exodus 3115 Exodus 352 Leviticus 233 of the Day of Atonement Leviticus 1631 Leviticus 2332 and of the sabbatical year Leviticus 254†
Exodus 15 Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges ~ The Exodus in the broader sense of the term was also ever afterwards regarded as the birthday of the nation and as the event which secured the nation’s independence hence it is often referred to as the beginning of the national Jdg 1930 1 Samuel 88 2 Samuel 76 al and religious Hosea 129 Hosea 134 life of Israel and the deliverance from ‘the house of bondage’ was appealed to both as the great event of which Israel should ever be mindful and for which it owed gratitude
Exodus 14 Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges ~ Formerly indeed it used to be supposed on the strength of the expressions in Exodus 1422 Exodus 158 that the passage took place in the deep water some miles S of Suez that the sea there literally parted asunder and that through the chasm thus formed the Israelites passed with a sheer wall of water on each side of them But if only for the reason that it is impossible to understand how any ‘wind’ could have produced a chasm of this kind or even if it could have done so how
New Cambridge Bible Commentary ~ Like the original Cambridge Bible Commentary a collection of exegetical volumes widely read and studied in the 1960s and 1970s the NCBC aims to elucidate the Hebrew and Christian scriptures for a wide range of intellectually curious individuals Commentaries in the NCBC thus will be academically
Exodus Commentary Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole ~ Read Exodus commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible Complete Study the bible online using commentary on Exodus and more
Bible Commentaries Bible Hub Search Read Study the ~ We have just added many new sources including The Expositors Bible Commentary Bengels Gnomon Langes Commentary Hastings Great Texts and many more Click the Commentary tab or pulldown menu for a full selection of commentaries over any Bible passage you are researching
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